Europe Trip #2 - June 28, 2022 - A Tuccily Terrific Day

Europe Trip #2 - June 28, 2022 - A Tuccily Terrific Day

We had four teens who were interested in exploring thrift stores and we hit the ground with a goal.

Once we got to Genoa, the other two families we were with on the train headed to the aquarium and we were off to the first of two thrifty stops.

They had moderate success at this first stop and I was happy to wait on a bench outside with my trusty companion. Yessa found the first shop too cramped, which does seem to be a requirement for thrift stores. Nephew did find a jersey type shirt which was a big goal.

As we had walked to the first store, Yessa and I saw the sushi place that called our name and headed off for lunch there after the first purchases were made.

The rest of our group found an outdoor spot to sit for lunch and we managed to catch their attention from our window high up in the sushi place.

They had some interesting sandwiches.

Maybe a little too much mayo for Buster.

Lunch complete, off we went to the second thrift store.

This was a high quality thrift store. Beautiful clothing, although skewed toward male fashion, so less chance for Monkey and Yessa to discover a treasure.

The three gents had great success though. You can see Buster and Buds in new shirts in this picture.

The gentleman who owned the shop had a delightful visit with Buds who summoned all his extrovert batteries and chatted away. I love to see that.

After that thrift store we were headed for gelato. This is when fate jumped in to have her way.

Buds had planned for us to walk a bit to a gelato shop on the way to the main Genoa plaza. Monkey fell and twisted her ankle yesterday and she’d been a trooper up to this point and now requested gelato close by, plus it needed to have vegan options.

Buds was glad to change plans and we quickly walked to one very near us.

As always, I’m the caboose, bringing up the rear to be sure no one gets left. Buds and the kids were focused on the gelato and as I walked up to them reading the list of flavors posted outside the tiny shop, I glanced into the street to my right and there was Stanley Tucci.

I did not play it at all cool. I scuttled up to Buds and scream whispered in his ear, “There’s Stanley Tucci!!” as I tugged on his sleeve in excitement.

Buds got some video before we were instructed to stop and I tried to slow my pounding heart so I could answer the children’s questions about why I was excited and who the heck is Stanley Tucci?!

The movies and shows Buds and I love him in did not resonate, but after searching Yessa realized he was in The Hunger Games and my excitement was understood.

A screenshot of my message to Kel and Paula. 😆

The gelato may have been fantastic, but I certainly don’t remember it.

After that brush with fame and the beginning of our jokes about “The Tuc,” the ladies walked to the train station while the gents went to see the piazza.

The train home was uneventful and we called a taxi to carry us and our clothing purchases home.

Some of us headed to the pool where we chatted with Buddie’s mom, played, laughed and Yessa reenacted the blueberry scene from Willy Wonka.

An evening thunderstorm washed away the typical all-family gathering, although Buds did hang out for a bit to talk with some folks about Wednesday’s plans while the two youngest played a couple chess matches in our apartment.

It was a gorgeous, soaking rain.
Buds and Buster in some of their new shirts.

There were many other things I would like to explore in Genoa, but it was a good day to be there together, and of course, The Tuc was glad to see us.