Momming Around

Momming Around

Buds is working on our daily posts, and I’m writing postcards to the nieces and nephews. Train travel is so luxurious.

I offered a piece of gum to the elegant business traveler who is sharing our seating with us. She’s been smiling at our family interactions and laughter and I wanted to show her I appreciated her acceptance of us. We shared a laugh at this big travel purse I take on trips that’s like a Mary Poppins bag of wonders.

Need a passport? Got it.

Kleenex? Done.

Pens, playing cards, hand wipes, aspirin?

Check, check, check, check.

I love being a Mom traveling around the world. I am grateful the children are old enough to be independent now, but I still love seeing the world through their eyes, and they teach me so much.

At the coffee shop this morning, I was so impressed with the baby-enclosed parka a baby-mom was wearing.

The coat zips around the baby and baby has its own hood!! How genius. And notice she’s also carrying her cloth bread bag for the daily purchase. I love this place.

At the same coffee shop a different mom stepped in to speak German for me as I explained to the barista I needed decaf and oatmilk. It’s good to know the academy of moms is strong the whole world round.