

Note: Post contains video. Watch at website. Also post is repeating like some bizarre musical coda. Please ignore and pretend it is perfect. Thanks. ❤️❤️😉😉

Monkey, Yessa, and I tromped and slid our way to the pet store three blocks away. We needed cat and dog food, plus cat litter. 

While we were there, the girls assured me that Mocha’s happiness depended on acquiring a new pair of boots… And possibly a jacket.

I drew the line at the jacket, but having seen how Mocha hopped on three paws on our walks in the slushy deep snow, trying to get relief from the achy cold, the boots seemed like a good idea.

In truth, I had visions of having to carry her home when out walking her on my own in a blizzardy afternoon.

The boots suddenly seemed brilliant.

We carefully carried home our burdens, laughing at how awkward heavy, bulky objects are when you have to carry them for blocks.

Trying the boots out was our top priority.


Note: Post contains video. Watch at website. Also post is repeating like some bizarre musical coda. Please ignore and pretend it is perfect. Thanks. ❤️❤️😉😉

Monkey, Yessa, and I tromped and slid our way to the pet store three blocks away. We needed cat and dog food, plus cat litter. 

While we were there, the girls assured me that Mocha’s happiness depended on acquiring a new pair of boots… And possibly a jacket.

I drew the line at the jacket, but having seen how Mocha hopped on three paws on our walks in the slushy deep snow, trying to get relief from the achy cold, the boots seemed like a good idea.

In truth, I had visions of having to carry her home when out walking her on my own in a blizzardy afternoon.

The boots suddenly seemed brilliant.

We carefully carried home our burdens, laughing at how awkward heavy, bulky objects are when you have to carry them for blocks.

Trying the boots out was our top priority.