Our First Rochester Christmas

Our First Rochester Christmas

Note: contains video. Watch on website for best experience.

It’s hard for me to write this post because the time with K,P,K,B was so exactly right for this first Christmas in this house, I won’t be able to do the memories justice.

I’ll write it anyway.

Thanks to Kel and Paula who always also take a swarm of pictures. I’m posting any and everything here, but know that these are not all pictures Buds and I took.

As explained earlier in this post, they arrived late on Wednesday night. We had time to laugh and tour the house and finally sit and visit.

They are on their way to us.

Scooping the snow to get ready for them to arrive.

Still no clue what is headed her way.

Ready to laugh and play.

Starting to wind down a little.

We settled Kel and Paula in the air mattress in the basement. Thanks to the new flooring, it was a totally cat-free space, and thanks to Buds and I staying down there when his parents were here, we knew of a few extra ways to try and make it cozier. They didn’t complain, but I had to laugh when I learned of Kel’s allergy to down. I had been worried about protecting her from cats, and wanted them to be cozy by giving them our warmest blankets. Protecting her from cats, wrapping her in down. 😁😁

The girls settled in with Noa and our first night together came to a close.

Thursday morning the four eldest humans and Yessa walked down to the closest bakery to start our day.

Kel and Paula got to play the “Where’s Mocha” game where you try to see which window she’s watching you from when you go outside.

Once the youngest of the younger crowd was up and around, they headed to the bakery, too.

The rest of the day was spent in hanging out, playing games, making plans, and we even squeezed in a workout while Kate studied her lines for an upcoming production of “Mamma Mia.”

Mocha loves when we visit with this group of friends because she knows she’s going to get so much love.

Friday night we had dinner from dogTown. It was okay, but not helped by Buds and I walking to pick up all the food, not really realizing how far away it was. Everything was pretty lukewarm by the time we got home, which does not help this particular type of food. I’d love to eat there again when the weather warms up and we can enjoy eating outside on their patio when the food is delivered to us fresh and hot.

I did get to try out my gift from Jenny and Brendan which is grippers for the bottoms of your shoes when it is icy.

10/10 will wear again!

Paula tried out the dogTown version of a “garbage plate” which is a Rochester speciality. DogTown calls their’s a “junkyard plate.” Paula’s plate did look delish.

Friday was Christmas Eve Day and Buds had the day off, which always brings great joy.

Buds and I biked to the coop to buy a little extra food for Christmas Dinner.

We bought salty bread and a smoked ham “nugget.”

Buds and Yessa went on a biking photography outing before the rest of the crowd woke up.

Off they go.

Kel and I had a good long walk to Cobbs Hill Park and around the reservoir.

In the afternoon some of our people tried out ice skating.

The skates were old and uncomfortable so it didn’t last long, but we’ll try again in the future when we acquire our own skates.

With help from Katoots, Buds and I worked on cinnamon rolls for the next morning.

Kel put together the breakfast strata that her mom makes every year.

Have I mentioned how much I love the layout of this kitchen.

Friday night included the opening of one gift, which for our crew was pajamas this year and for Bets and Kate, gifts from Yessa.

We also enjoyed sushi for Christmas Eve dinner.

Then more games and laughter to round out the night. And we watched Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol in there somewhere, too.

Christmas morning Buds and I had a plan we had been plotting for days.

The girls had wanted to really ramp up the Christmas decorating since we now have a house that is so well suited to it. The plans hadn’t really worked out, so Buds and I decided to at least let them wake up to a beautifully lit and decorated bannister to walk down the stairs for opening presents.

The grand reveal.

Before the grand reveal, we brought down the food from the attic where it rested overnight and started the vegan cinnamon rolls baking.

Once everyone was up and breakfast/brunch delights were baked, we had a relaxed morning of food and opening of gifts.

Paula managed to corral all of us to get some great photos and Bets used her long arms to get a couple fish-eye shots in, too.

Too soon it was time for loved ones to get on the road so they could be home before it was too late in preparation for their Christmas at home and Betty’s upcoming basketball tournament. It was a joy to share our first Christmas here with them.

And to all a goodnight.