
Buds and I laughed this morning when we prepared to walk Mocha and I asked him the temperature.

“It’s 37°,” he said with surprise and glee.

“That’s balmy,” I replied and meant it.

I went out without a hat and he eschewed gloves.

Forecast for snow tonight, which we’d love, and sunny right now, which we are drinking in from the office windows.

Flake by flake we’re figuring out this new winter. The temperature gets much more specific interest here than other places we’ve lived. We can feel the difference between 32° and 23°. Layers and types of clothing make a difference.

I did have to add a layer in bed last night and if Buds hadn’t come to bed when he did to add body heat, I probably would have needed to add the stocking hat. 🧑‍🎄🧦

Teresa told me Nashville is headed toward the 70’s when we had virtual coffee this morning. I’m glad for their sun and glad for my snow.

And deeply grateful for socks and slippers. 😆😆