A Christmas Surprise

Due to some unforeseen difficulties with their expected Christmas plans, Kel asked if it was an option for them to spend Christmas with us. Of course we jumped at the chance. K & B wanted it to be a surprise for Yessa, so yesterday the whole family lived with the excitement of knowing they were on their way, but we had to pretend like it was a typical day.

Buds and I watched their progress on google maps, and greeted them outside with a plan.

Everyone was in the living room, Yessa tucked safely away in her room, oblivious to the buzzing hive of activity downstairs.

Once Kel, Paula, the girls, and the rest of our family were all ready, I ran up the stairs to call to Yessa.

“Hey, Yessa, a package just came for you. Dad thinks it might be a Christmas present from his parents. Come take a look!”

As she followed me down the stairs she said, “Why are you so excited, Mom?”

That’s where the video begins with me explaining that it’s a really big present and I’m excited for her to open it.

It took awhile for her heart rate to come down, but she recovered quickly.

Good times ahead.