Cigarette Memories

This is a whimsical, well-crafted cigarette holder my mom gave her father many decades ago.
As was always the case with my Grandma Frosty, when a gift was given to her or Grandpa, if possible, she would write the giver’s name on the bottom of the gift so it could be returned to the giver one day. (Every family has their traditions.😏)
After my grandfather died the holder came back to my mom and eventually it passed on to me.
I was fascinated by it as a child. As you will see at the end of the post, it is a perfectly synchronized music box that offers up a cigarette to the button pusher.
I never saw it with cigarettes because both my parents stopped smoking before I have any memory of it (Mom before I was born.), but I loved to roll up pieces of paper to try and recreate a cigarette.
My children also loved it, and it has lived on the bookshelves in our various homes for decades.
Choosing a new location in this home has been a little tougher since we don’t really have a library space yet, but we do have our “Book Nook” upstairs which is where it will live for now.
Having no negative memories attached to cigarettes or smoking, I can just enjoy it with a smile, thinking of the grandfather I never met, but whom I know I would have loved.
Moving stirs up memories and reminders of all the things you have and what we choose to hang on to. This is one I’m still glad to have.