New Home, Old Tradition

After Buds, Yessa, and I had a morning excursion on bikes, we came home to gather up our other two to head out to find our Christmas tree.
We chose to drive five minutes from home to the boy scout tree lot and choose a tree from their inventory.

As you can tell from the clothing, it is over 60° here today, so it was a delightful day to be outside.
We continued our tradition of taking candy canes along to create a surprise candy cane tree somewhere in the lot for people to find.

I’m wearing my sweatshirt from Teresa’s store that says, “Gonna go lay under the Christmas tree to remind my family I’m a gift.”
Makes me smile every time I wear it.
The children easily came to consensus on their preferred tree with some mild grumbling from Buds and me because we wanted a “softer” tree, but we were all actually pleased with it.

We watched the “always prepared” boy scouts tie it on the van. (Very nicely tied, too.)

On our way home, once we were back in our neighborhood, we passed the young woman and her dog that we had talked to in October when we were deciding about moving here. Yessa insisted I turn the van around and go talk to her, and of course I loved the idea, so we drove back to tell her thank you and how much we loved the area and appreciated her input.
Either she was a great actor, or we really confused someone, but she seemed like she remembered us.
Then home and now the tree stands ready to welcome the Christ child and the new year in our new home.
A day well spent all around.