One Step Closer

Tonight the humans and Mocha are staying in an Airbnb in Webster while the wood floors are buffed and polished, just like we had done in the Shoebox for someone else’s enjoyment. I’m thrilled we’ll get to enjoy these shiny floors ourselves for years to come.

Cats will explore the basement for a day and night with Buds checking on them periodically since he’ll work in the basement here today.

Tomorrow the carpet in the basement gets torn out and a sealant put on the concrete, then a new waterproof flooring goes in on Friday.

Even more importantly, all our stuff arrives on Friday!!

Thanks to Buds and Monkey jumping around in the attic to test it out as a workout space, which we quickly realized was not going to work (Good Lord! Why is the house shaking?!?!), we’ve been revamping our workout plans and locations.

Fi has inspired us with her workout room that is approximately 6 ft square, so we’re now viewing the front room, the laundry room, and the entry hallway, as well as the great outdoors, as our workout rooms. If you want to get in a workout, you get in a workout.

We continue to be enchanted with our new home and location. Monkey and I had a lovely afternoon out walking the neighborhood yesterday wandering through shops, getting our library cards, and enjoying the beautiful architecture and artistic benches along Monroe Avenue.

It’s been exhausting and stressful, but the nearer we get to making this our real home, it’s been so worth it.