Simple Joys

Simple Joys

In the midst of the hustle and burble that is packing and preparing to sell a home, I am trying to pay attention to the simple joys that continue to happen all around us.

Buds has had days full of meetings lately, which means the rest of us step and speak lightly in the hearth room. Because of this, I was chatting with my mom on the phone back in our bedroom with the door closed when all the children, and Mocha, found their way back to snuggle on the bed and visit with Grandma with me. It was a short moment of comfort and peace.

Buds is very busy with work, and he’s still made time to plan for our next adventure by choosing electric bikes for all of us to practice on here on our long, straight driveway so we’re ready to zoom around Rochester.

We’ve all been out on the bikes and they are a treat to ride.

They are heavy though, so we’re borrowing a lighter, regular bike from Fi for these couple weeks to practice without the added fear of falling over with all the extra weight.

Grateful for friends that share their toys with you.

I’ve been reminded of the joy of a clean oven.


To this.

Much talk of arranging and decorating “Avonlea.”

In the cleaning out process, finding forgotten items and remembering their stories.

Yessa’s life-like doll she bought after winning a $100 bet with Buds.

Monkey’s cowboy boots from horseback riding lessons when we first moved to Nashville.

Barbies from my childhood as well as those shared by Flower Girl Cousin Liz with our children.

The Holly Hobby doll my SIL Kathy’s parents brought to me when I was in the hospital with pneumonia when I was 9.

One of my very favorite pictures of Monkey as a tiny one. She’s wrapped in the sling that Gina gave us when she was born.

My two favorite fellows as well as the backpack that saw hours and hours of carrying children.

One more of Buster for good measure.

Monkey has done a great job of helping me remember that today matters as much as our future life in Rochester.

She asked that we not forget our pumpkin carving tradition, and last night we had a family outing to prowl through a Halloween store, purchase some groceries, and pick our pumpkins from the Trader Joe’s “pumpkin patch” of cardboard bins.

It’s a very good life. Right now a very hectic, but a very good life.