It's Time For Our "Next"

Our eight years in Nashville have been such an important section of our lives for so many reasons; friends who’ve become family, a lower cost of living that allowed us to make progress towards our financial goals, the children aged up closer to adulthood and into adulthood, Teresa and Jeremy moved here, we’ve gained cats and a dog and chickens, and precious memories with our chosen UU congregation.

There are few regrets from our Nashville time, and we’ve decided we’d like to try out a new part of the country and a different way of living.

The pandemic has highlighted or brought to light many things. Buds really can work from anywhere. We really do love being together as a family. I really do get tired of living in the same place. We really would like to be able to walk or bike to a store and live a more “European” life.

We’ve been puzzling over these feelings and a few months ago, the puzzle turned in a ball, and the ball it started rolling. That ball acquired a life of its own, a set of new hopes and dreams. Finally a few weeks ago, it gained a name.

Rochester, New York, you are our next.

More details to follow.