Nashville Public Television Checked In

Nashville Public Television Checked In

Note: Post contains video, watch at website.

NPT has posted a video about the Sense Theater lab study that Monkey took part in.

You can watch the video here.

As fun as it is to see Monkey on stage again, and to relive the fantastic job she did, the video reminds me of my conflicted feelings about the study.

We don’t see Autism as a disorder. It’s not something to be fixed.

I would not change a single thing about Monkey or the other people I know and love who are on the spectrum. I would change the world to make it more flexible and understanding for them, but change them?!

That would be a tragedy.

I wept when I read this passage from a recent book:

I don’t want to change anything about Monkey. I’m grateful to learn from her perspectives and insight.

What a gift she is, exactly as she is.