I Turn 51 and Get To Celebrate With Babs

I Turn 51 and Get To Celebrate With Babs

Note: Post contains videos. Watch at the website for the complete experience.

I turned 51 on August 1, and it seems appropriate that I should welcome this new year with the person that made it all possible.

Mom fell and shattered her femur in late July, at the end point of the previous shoulder replacement hardware. Since she was scheduled to have that shoulder replaced at the end of September anyway, the doctor agreed it was best to go ahead and get the shoulder and fracture repaired all at once.

Aunt Cyndy dropped everything and drove down to hang out with Mom while she waited to have the surgery.

My SIL Kathy and Mom’s brother, Uncle Randy, spent the day at the hospital, talking horses, while they waited for surgery to be complete. It was extensive and they weren’t able to put a plate on the broken bone to shore it up, so she’s got a new shoulder with a longer metal rod that extends down to the elbow. Hopefully the “floating” piece of bone will regraft itself around the new hardware.

This post began back in early August, and I’m settled back in in Nashville at the end of August, as the remnants of Hurricane Ida pass overhead.

Buds sent me off with a hug and a smile for Mom.

I was with Babs for a couple weeks and except for her pain, it was a great visit. I love when any of the children are with us, but to get to be together just the two of us, and to witness the loving care and concern Mom’s friends and neighbors shower on her was really lovely.

The surgery generally requires an overnight stay at the hospital, but ever the over-achiever, Babs needed a couple extra days. The staff was fantastic and we were glad when we were able to head home.

Left the tv on to entertain the cats on the days I spent at the hospital with Mom.

It was reassuring to have the first visit with her surgeon post-surgery to have the stitches removed and to be assured that everything was healing well.

You can see the “floating” bone to the right of the metal rod down into the arm.

Mom had a “reverse shoulder replacement,” so now the ball joint is on the shoulder side. Outcomes from this surgery are fantastic, and she feels like she is recovering more quickly this time than from the last surgery.

The cats were very glad to have her home.

One of the big changes while I was there was loading up the treadmill that lead to this shoulder-shattering outcome. It now lives at our house.

Monkey practicing her lines for a play while walking.

Mom has a shiny recumbent exercise bike to help her maintain her fitness.

Granddaughter Teresa also suggested Mom add an additional handrail for coming up and down the basement stairs, and Mom sent us both a picture of that task completed.

As we all age, I’m grateful that Mom is in good health, but also honest about where she needs help and support so she can be as independent and thriving as long as possible.

It was a great visit for so many reasons.

I made time to interview her about a couple things before I left.



It was tough to leave, but with the family and friends who are ready to help as needed, we all knew she’d be fine.

My brother did politely ask her if she would let him know ahead of time the next time she plans to fall and break something to make planning easier.


He’s such a thinker.