Buddie's Birthday Recap

Buddie's Birthday Recap

Since it was truly the many days of Buddie’s birthday, and since he worked a regular work day on his actual Tuesday birthday, here’s a recap of many of the things we did to celebrate him and the things he loves to do.

It all began on the Thursday before his birthday when we took our books and settled in on a blanket at Cheekwood to enjoy some Bluegrass.

Friday was a regular work day. They were closing out a sprint, which is often very busy, so he buckled down to be sure he could enjoy his three-day weekend.

Saturday was a mix of “need-to-dos” and “wants-to-dos.”

Workouts and walks and snuggling and playing our RPG game with Monkey and Mom.

Sunday continued in the same relaxed vein.

I trust you are seeing the trend. Other than planning to take a day off work, he was doing many/most of the same things he does every day. That strikes me as a life well-loved.

I offered a party…whatever he wanted.

This. This relaxed time was what he wanted.

We walked to Sonic to have ice cream.

We gave blood in the afternoon.

Then out for dinner at an Indian restaurant we’d never tried: Chaatable.

A birthday beer



Ginnie’s vegan entree.

It was delicious and so strange, all at once. It was our first time sitting together inside a restaurant in over 1 1/2 years. We got there right as it opened to be sure it wasn’t busy, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.

Monday was going to be the elusive day off, and it remained elusive.

There were a couple things Buds had to get done, and the lovely thing for me was that there were things I could help with.

He cranked through those as quickly as he could, then we were ready to play.

We had put up a new ceiling fan in Buster’s room last week, and it needed a little kick start to work properly, so we did that.

We took him out to Victor’s for lunch.

Then a relaxing rest of the day with blowing up ships, planning for home automation (His latest project), and a workout.

A pretty perfect day on the Buddie list of days.

For his actual birthday, he was back to work with a smile.

After work was over, we installed the new high-tech thermostat that was part of his “It’s My Birthday and I’ll Buy If I Want To” package.

A pretty great way to turn 50.

Happy Birthday, Buds.