I Scream, You Scream, We Celebrate With Ice Cream!

I Scream, You Scream, We Celebrate With Ice Cream!

Post contains video. Watch at website.

Monkey’s next ask around graduating was a family outing for ice cream. She prefers “make your own” fro-yo, but Nashville is sorely lacking in this realm, at least near us, so she chose Jenni’s Ice Cream instead.

After a storm moved through last night, off we went.

They have such unique, intriguing flavors, it’s a treat to try.

Last night we enjoyed:

* Cold Brew W/Coconut Cream

* Texas Sheet Cake

* Milkiest Chocolate

* Woodberry Lavendar

* Caramel Pecan Sticky Bun

* Salty Caramel

* Biscuits and Jam


* Frose Sorbet.

They were all lovely.

And when we got home, Mocha even got some bacon-flavored pup cream because that was only fair.

That was a delight to watch.