Making Things Better

We’ve had a chore chart for years. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Lately, it hasn’t.

So Buds and I dreamed up an elaborate carrot and stick process to get chores done.

Bless Monkey’s heart, she tried to help make it more workable, and then this afternoon when we had the family meeting about it, Yessa blew up the whole idea with a much easier, more streamlined, better process that everyone loves so much better than anything we’ve done before.

It was a joy to watch the family talk through what each person likes, what’s not working, and how can we each contribute.

I watched each of their faces as they listened, laughed, expressed themselves, and were open and vulnerable with each other. And I felt that realization creep over me that they don’t need me/Buds as a moderator or guide so much anymore. At least on many issues. We can walk the path together.

What a joy that is. And how grateful I am that I like these people so very much. What a wonderous universe that I get to family with these people.