Strangest Grocery Store Interaction Ever

Buds and I were headed to book club and stopped to grab some lunch to take along.

We wandered into Publix wearing our masks, as was everyone else, and a white woman with blonde hair pushed her cart past us, stopped and said, “Oh, hi!”

Buds and I both panicked a little inside because we did not recognize the eyes and hair, so luckily she went on.

“I’m your neighbor from down on the end, but you only see me from the arm up as I wave when I’m driving past, but I recognize you because I see you out there working out and being so healthy.”

And then we all laughed.

She introduced herself by name again, and I knew right away who she was and where she lives.

Then we all went on our way.

I would pay a fair amount of money to know how goofy our neighbors think we are. Goofy, yet adorkable.
