Mocha's First Hike

We headed off on a hike this morning and took Mocha along to see what she thought. We chose the blue trail because it is a distance we like, not too tough, and passes a steam.
We were intrigued to see if she loved splashing in the water.

She did not care about the water at all. 😆
She was fine with walking through it, but her whole focus was on the other dogs and humans that were passing by on the trail.
Not a water dog, but not a water hater.

She was great on the whole hike. A little tuggy on the leash in her excitement, but willing to keep on moving and though she would have loved to stop and greet every human and dog we met, she was fine with a quick sniff and a tail wag.
Another way she’s the perfect dog for us; she’s going to give every dog the benefit of the doubt as a potential friend, but she will take guff and sass from no one. 😜
Sounds very familiar.
It was a lovely start to our day.