Hey, Friends.

Buds and I hiked on Sunday, and as we were heading off the trail, a young white man and white woman were headed in.

The young man said, “Hey, Friends. Is this the way to the white trail?”

Such a lovely, surprising, generous greeting.

We stopped to chat with them, from a distance, behind our masks, for a few minutes, then they went our way, toward the white trail, and we headed toward the car.

The only other person I know that uses that greeting consistently was my friend, Mia, back in the days when we were teaching Religious Exploration together. She has such a kind, loving voice. (As I think about it, my nieces’ Montessori director uses it, too.)

It reminded me of Mia to hear the greeting, and also reminded me how lovely the world could be if we all said it and meant it.

Hello, Friends.