So Seldom Do I Troll Him

To be married to someone so even- tempered is one of the great blessings of my life. There is not a lot I can do to flap my buddie.

But with the gift of decades together comes the blessing of knowing the few buttons there are to push, and though the opportunity seldom arises, tonight I tweaked Buddie in exactly the right way to briefly cause him to curl his lip in the way of annoyance.

Then he looked up at me, ready for an argument (which is one of my consistencies), instead to find me eyes twinkling, silently laughing, then clutching the counter as we both laughed until we cried as he realized he’d been trolled.

The joy of deep, enveloping, gut-aching laughter; what a rush.

(I haven’t laughed this hard since the “Igloo Man” incident.)

Thanks, Buddie, for being consistent, yet ever surprising.