Cluckdate #10: Cooped Up

Cluckdate #10: Cooped Up

Their coop is officially safe for holding chickens in.

You know they’ve been sleeping outside, and now I’ll share the process of how that happened. As you may recall, they lived in the bathtub in a bin, then in the whole bathtub (bless the children and their patience.) Then we moved them to the garage where they grew and grew and grew. Bathtub life: They really do look like their dinosaur kin: They enjoyed the garage: Then, after their outdoor coop was all built, but before I had attached the extra hardware cloth around it to make it extra safe, they enjoyed daytime outdoors: Finally, last week, I wrapped the bottom of the coop, and added extra wire over the top while we wait for one more shipment of hardware cloth. They’ve taught themselves to go up into the “barn” for sleeping at night, and it’s very sweet to see them wander sleepily down the ramp when we go out to greet them in the morning. They still have another 8 weeks to go until egg laying likely begins. They still enjoy walking around, jumping up on us, including jumping up on Mocha last week. Once we’re sure they recognize the coop and barn as their home to return to every night, we’ll begin letting them out to wander at will around the yard with us. Still three chickens, still happy and clucking.
They’ve got their eyes on you!
For perspective on the current coop placement in the yard: