Hers Could Never Compare To Mine

Editor’s note: Videos included. Watch at the website for best experience.

We watched Dave Chappelle’s Block Party with Fi a couple weeks ago, and there’s a moment from it that keeps playing over and over in my head.

We needed something light and fun to watch that would gift us laughter, and it hit the spot perfectly. (If you haven’t seen it, it’s fantastic, but it does contain language.)

Buds and I have our 25th Wedding Anniversary today, which we’ll blog about sometime, but right now I’m thinking about my 50th birthday, which is in exactly one month. (We picked July 1 as a wedding date for many reasons, but one of which is that we were the same age when we got married: 24.)

I’ve loved my 40’s. The comfort and joy found in my own life and relationships and body; it’s never been more profound. (That’s not to say that I don’t recognize that the world is suffering. That is never far from my heart.)

And Jill Scott explains exactly the feeling of empowerment at moment 3:00 in the video below.

What is cut out right before this moment was someone asking Jill if she was worried about performing after Eryhak Badu.

Her glorious laugh of self-awareness and complete strength.

My gosh, what an answer.

“Everybody comes with their own sense of strength and queendom. Mine could never compare to hers and hers could never compare to mine.”

What incredible power…

That’s what I want to carry into my 50’s.