Being Reverent Together- March 22, 2020

I’m posting the virtual services for future ease and reference.

The first Zoom service on March 22 was a triumph for multiple reasons. Jesse, who served as Service Coordinator, was also running the Zoom meeting, which we quickly learned, is not an easy process. He made it look calm and smooth, but we definitely divided up the duties the following weekend and had three of us working together to make the service look smooth as he did all by himself the first weekend.

The guest minister from this first virtual service, Jennifer Hundley Batts Thomas, is a Middle School Teacher whose father died 2 weeks before this service. She gave such a loving, lovely, beautiful message for her homily.

She and I have a bit of a running joke because the previous time she had been scheduled to serve as our guest minister, before quarantining could ever have been imagined, she got so sick that she had to email me the homily and I read it to the congregation as part of my Service Coordinator role that Sunday.

She’s either going to think I’m jinxed or the whole congregation is.

She said she’s willing to work with us again in the future, so we’ll see how that goes.