Good Things

Good Things

Yessa is having her first virtual piano lesson, and I’m so grateful for the privilege of the internet, tech equipment, time, and flexibility.

The kids have had several classes online, so this isn’t new, but setting up the camera to have a view of all the necessary parts was a bit of a process.

I also ran out to the store, and everyone was so kind and so friendly. The Aldi employees were in good spirits, and there was plenty of food. It did feel like we were all keeping more physical distance between us, and there was an air of tension, but plenty of smiles and greetings.

In addition, there were four carts that people had left their quarters in for the next patron. That made me smile. (If you have never shopped at an Aldi store, this won’t make sense to you.)

I have been avoiding the store for a couple weeks, hence an overflowing cart.

Our door bell just ding donged, and it was our Fed Ex driver, Bryan, bringing us flowers. I had been trying since Christmas to get him his holiday card, and the stars aligned last week when I knew a package was coming via Fed Ex so I was able to tape his card to the door.

He got the card, and his shift was just over, so he went to all the effort of stopping to bring us a plant as a thank you.

My “get the job done” photograph.

Photographer Yessa’s beautiful photo.

In addition to the children and our regular life, a fair amount of time has been going into planning for “Virtual Church.” Here’s the note someone from the leadership team taped up on the doors at our congregation to let folks know we won’t be meeting in person for awhile.

I know the world feels overwhelming in so many ways right now, but at the heart of it all, people are still loving and good and generous.

Wherever you are, I hope you are finding peace and rest for your spirit.