Kids These Days...

This last week, I’ve gotten to see and feel the full-hearted support of these children and I have never been more grateful for who they are.

They have lovingly embraced me with the words and their actions and their complete selves. They have spent hours playing games with me as a distraction when I wanted. They have gone to the store with me when they had other things to do so I wouldn’t be alone. They have checked in on me with offers of food and questions and kindness.

At Costco yesterday I was doing fine until about half-way through the trip, and then that “my brain is wrapped in a scarf” feeling returned. I turned to Yessa and said, “May I just push the cart and you make all the decisions?”

“You bet,” she replied and got us through the aisles and out the door.

Just now, Buster popped over from the library to look at me as I sat crying quietly in a chair.

“Are you okay?”

“Would a hug help?”

As he wrapped his long arms around me, I told him, “Being willing to walk toward grief and not turn away takes so much heart. Thank you for being this way.”

And then there’s Monkey who pops in, or reaches over to hold my hand, or envelopes me in a hug. Appearing when I most need it.

I miss Buds, yet I’m almost grateful he had a great reason to be away (Though not for his mom’s car accident, obviously.) I will forever hold dear these memories with the kids and my loving friends and family who have held me close. So many of you have sent me messages and offers of support. It matters so very much.

Today is a week.