Carrying It Into The World

We’ve had a lovely four days here at the Shoebox. Lots of together time. Much laughter. Much game play. Workouts every day. Delicious food, many stories. Friends, family, food, and fun.

Buds and I just completed this yoga workout together, after spending some time in initial stages of Italy 2020 trip planning. Oh, and Buds tried out a new coffee formula for the oft-dreamed of future coffee wagon.

A pretty perfect morning here, and as we were deep breathing and downward dogging, I simultaneously pondered how to take these feelings of peace out into the world. That’s the hard part; to be so at peace that others feel peaceful when they are with you/me.

The world is so hard for so many people and we have many problems to tackle as world citizens. Anxiety and fear won’t help solve either of those issues. I’m trying to learn that and model it for our children, as they model it for me.

I hope today finds you, whoever is reading this, at peace and well-rested, or at the very least, feeling loved. Happy last day of November.