20.5 - We Tied...Sort Of.

20.5 - We Tied...Sort Of.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! The 2020 CrossFit Open is complete.

This final WOD was another long one.

And in an interesting twist, the WOD was the same for both of us, except for the wall-balls.

Buds and Ginnie both did:

For time, partitioned any way:
40 muscle-ups
80-cal. row
120 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball to 10 ft. (10-lb. ball to 9 ft. line)

Time cap: 20 min.

Buds completed the row and wall-balls in 11:51.

Ginnie completed the row and wall-balls in 19:44.

Buds completed his workout on Saturday, and I did mine on Monday, so he was able to stay right by me and coach me the whole time. Without that I would not have finished.

He had been psyching me up on the drive in that morning. “You’ll be able to finish this. Here’s the rep scheme you’ll use and you’ll be all set.”

And then, during the workout, when the wheels started to come off the bus, he was right there to say, “Okay, do this many.”

“Okay, let’s try this many.”

“Okay, Ginnie, you’ve got to pick up the ball.”

“Ginnie, you can finish this, but you’ve got to keep the pace.”

In my head I was thinking, “I just want to be done.”

“Twenty minutes can expire, or I can finish, or sweet, sweet death can take me, but I just want to be done.”

But I persisted, thanks to that haranguing, beloved, haranguing voice in my ear.

Thanks, Buds. You make me better than I want to be.

Let’s also remember that Buds started the open with a persistent shoulder injury. He graduated from physical therapy part-way through the Open, and came through all the wod’s with no new injuries and a shoulder that is feeling good. That’s impressive on so many levels, mental and physical.

Compared to the rest of the world in our age groups, here’s how we finished.

Buds: There were 10,676 men in the 45-49 age range registered. Buds finished 2243rd.

Ginnie: There were 1891 women in the 45-49 age range registered. Ginnie finished 849th.

Onward to the next adventure.