WWJF (World Wide Juice Federation)

WWJF (World Wide Juice Federation)

The Annual Juice off-site is over and Buds has arisen from his introvert-battery-drained exhaustion.

From what he tells me, it went well, though he wouldn’t tell me if it hadn’t.

I got to meet all the new people, most of whom, I’m sure, had no clue who I was. I got to visit with the person who took over from my replacement, whom I adore, and I got to listen in as they wrapped up their time together.

They have hired many, many folks since I left and several more extroverts than any time in the past. It was fun to sit and banter with them.

Amanda, one of the new sales folks, was tickled to show me one of the “gifts” for the C-Level folks.

When your team knows you can take being teased…that’s a good sign.

Hulking Buds
Dapper K
Bedazzled Z