
We were back at it again this morning at 5:30 a.m. I was out of town on Saturday, and Buds was at the office preparing for the Juice off-site this week, so we both took on 20.3 this morning.

It was:

For Ginnie:

For time:
21 deadlifts, 95 lb.
21 hand-release push-ups
15 deadlifts, 95 lb.
15 hand-release push-ups
9 deadlifts, 95 lb.
9 hand-release push-ups
21 deadlifts, 135 lb.
50-ft. bear crawl
15 deadlifts, 135 lb.
50-ft. bear crawl
9 deadlifts, 135 lb.
50-ft. bear crawl

Time cap: 9 min.

My goal was to get to the bear crawl.

I got through the first bear crawl and back to the bar to get one deadlift. I was thrilled, both for beating my personal goal, and for this workout not being so dang long.

My score came to 122.

The standards for the Handstand pushups are exactly ill-suited to Buddie’s body type. He’s got T-Rex arms on a long torso, and the way the standards are set, it is incredibly tough for him to reach the line for a rep to count.

To try to help explain it, here he’s coaching a friend at the box this morning as she works to clear the line each time.

She’s very strong, petite in stature, and pretty “gymnasticy,” and she had to work to get these reps.

The wod for Buds was:

For time:
21 deadlifts, 225 lb.
21 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts, 225 lb.
15 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts, 225 lb.
9 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts, 315 lb.
50-ft. handstand walk
15 deadlifts, 315 lb.
50-ft. handstand walk
9 deadlifts, 315 lb.
50-ft. handstand walk

Time cap: 9 min.

He ended up with a 36.

He wasn’t surprised. He knew this workout had a sinking sand pit waiting to drag him down.

We were working out at the same time, so I couldn’t really watch him, but I knew something was not going well because he had time to walk over to me, clap in my face briskly, and tell me to, “Get back on that bar!”

He maintained his composure and good attitude. There may have been some salty language, he told me afterward. He stretched and reached and thought tall thoughts as best he could.

20.3 is behind us. We expect to see wall balls and rowing in the final two weeks. Probably muscle ups in some iteration and snatches. Still plenty of suck to embrace. And all mostly things Buds will be good at.