The Open Is Here Again

The Open Is Here Again

The CrossFit Open is the annual event where CrossFitters around the world sign up to do a WOD each week, then submit scores to be compared to the whole world. The announcement of the first event was made last night, and Buds, Caitlin, and I watched together to see two of the fittest men in the world complete it.

You can watch it here:

The actual workout begins at 50:00.

Buds and I (Buds many more.) have participated in the CrossFit Open many times. At his best, thanks to the New Hampshire Compulsion, Buds finished at the 93rd% in the world for his age group at the time in 2017.

I used to scurry home to enter my scores in so I could screenshot a picture of myself with the best score before anyone else entered their scores for our box. (We take our victories where we can get them.)

The open begins for us with a 9 a.m. workout at our box tomorrow.

We’ll do:


10 Rounds for Time
8 Ground-to-Overheads (95/65 lb)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Time Cap: 15 minutes


10 Rounds for Time
8 Ground-to-Overheads (65/45 lb)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Time Cap: 15 minutes

Buds is nursing a shoulder injury, so his barbell weight will be determined by how he’s feeling tomorrow. I’ll be doing the scaled weight.

I looked back through old pictures of past CF times as I’m pondering the beginning of this new season and where we are in our life. CrossFit has been one of those constants that indicate that all is going pretty well.

That nose. 😉
The family that wod’s together…
Brotherly love.
So close on those bar muscle ups.
Judging a fellow athlete.
Sandbagged and ready for a run.
From the year he finished in the top 10%. He earned it.
Yessa counting reps for me.
Putting in this pretty picture of Buds so I don’t feel guilty about the next picture.
So glad I captured this moment in time.
Drop under the bar! This is going to be a better lift than the one above.
Yes, Ginnie. We’re going to do this all again.

Good times ahead.