It Is Finished...For A Hot Minute

It Is Finished...For A Hot Minute

When Buds got home last night we mustered the troops and hauled the boxes of books, and the extra mattress, and the speakers, and all the random things that have gathered upstairs to the basement, and hauled the items to be stored to the attic.

That means we are mostly done with the upstairs refresh. (I started to cheer about this last night and Monkey started to laugh. “Mom, you are never done.” She knows me well.)

We painted all the rooms that were still tan from when we moved in.

Sorted the library, including organizing books, moving out furniture, clearing out so we are down to one file cabinet, and getting better chairs and another table in for computer space.



And reorganized and moved furniture to make the living room more comfortable and inviting.

Forward progress toward a clean, organized, uncluttered house.

You should see the garage though.