The Climate

Today was a Global Climate Strike.

Some in my tribe have a bit of an issue with crowds, so we didn’t venture into downtown Nashville to join the crowd there, but because all of us feel the anxiety of Climate Change and the lack of effective governmental leadership in addressing it, the children and I have been navigating the path toward gathering information and understanding what’s happening while not allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by the enormity of it all.

We watched this interview on The Daily Show with Greta Thunberg.

How to fight for the Earth.

We’ve also been pondering how to make our travel have the least impact possible. Flight is a critical part of our life as we travel the world, but we can drive whenever possible. We’ll also be supporting local groups that are doing so much to address the impact of climate change locally. Rick Steves has long been the travel guru for Buds and me, so we’re looking to his lead on this.

A turning point for me was something my 11 year old niece said to me. I was at her school for a Special Friends visit day in April of this year, and she was showing me some of her projects. One of things she showed me was an essay on Climate Change.

“How do you learn about it and understand it enough to write this essay without feeling overwhelmed?” I asked her.

“I have to understand it to know what to do about it,” she replied in that direct, kind way she has.

The youngsters really can save us if we allow them to lead and support them on the path forward.