Water? We don't need no stickin' water!

Lindyne and I got to Chattanooga with no problem. Only one car accident to slow traffic briefly. We talked of life and love and family.
Arrived at our hotel, the lovely Clarion Inn.
There was a sign at the front desk.
“Due to a water main break in downtown Chattanooga, the hotel has no water.”
None of the business or homes that use the Chattanooga water system have water.
When you first read that, it takes a minute to process.
“I don’t need to shower.”
“I can brush my teeth with bottled water.”
Oh, wait, toilets.
We decided to hope for the best, checked into our rooms, and headed to REI for packet pick-up.
Best race gift ever:
Choose your own color handmade mugs.
We’re currently out for dinner at a restaurant about 20 minutes from our hotel.
It has water.
We’ll eventually head back to the hotel and settle in for the night.
Fi, wish you were here to ponder this conundrum with us. 🤦😂
Other than water we’re having a great time.