The Old Us

If there was one thing I’d go back and tell the old Buds and me as parents, it would be to take more video! All the video. One minute per day, at minimum, of the video.

We have thousands of pictures, and I’m grateful, but those sweet, precious videos of the kids when they were all the various ages. I could never have enough of that.

I found another video that Buds and I made when we were pregnant with Monkey to tell the the future baby about our life and the decisions we made about its birth. In that video we assure each other that we’ll make one of that type of video for each of the future babies.

Sorry, Buster and Yessa.

We did capture this classic jump from Monkey. Jump to 2:19 for the payoff.

Finally, since Buds is out of town for work, and we miss him…and he isn’t here to stop me…here’s another saucy youngster: