The Great West Coast Tour - Day Two - Kansas City, MO

The Great West Coast Tour - Day Two - Kansas City, MO

We had plans for 5:30 CrossFit, which morphed into visiting with Todd before work, Buds being dropped at a coffee shop to work all morning, and me at a local CrossFit for a 9:30 a.m. WOD.

We nearly added a trip to urgent care to the menu.

Buster fell up the stairs last night and jammed his elbow. He slept fine, but had limited range of motion this morning.

It improved throughout the day, and he still had a wonderful time swimming, laughing, and playing games, so we all agreed we’d take a wait and watch approach.

Niece Teresa gave Monkey a fun new floatie as part of her thank you for housesitting, and it was quite a hit.

The feathers were unexpected.Much splashing laughter.

And we’re pretty sure we saw an alien craft in the sky.

You’ve got to zoom way in, but there is an unusual white dot in the sky.

Then tonight, the parents went out for dinner and celebration due to Todd’s completion of his part of the New Hampshire Compulsion.

He didn’t just complete it, he completed it by running 100 miles.

Kettle Moraine 100

Well worth celebrating.

And celebrate we did. There were prizes for Todd.

A massive Kansas City BBQ feast.

And planning for the next long bet. The “Missouri Compromise” is being finalized.

The evening ended with more visiting and games of Quiplash and Drawful.

Another great visit with the Chan Clan.

Day 3 will see us heading to the high side of Colorado.