

It was a sunny 71° here today and Monkey and I headed out this morning with excitement.

We were off to our first college tour.

Tennessee has some great options for dual-enrollment for junior and senior high school students, and we wanted to understand our options.

Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) is in Murfreesboro, about an hour away from us. It has 20,000 students in undergrad, but despite the size difference it very much felt like my undergrad. I was not surprised when Monkey read that MTSU began as a Normal School, just like my alma mater.

Our tour group was one other student and Mom. Tyler already knew he wanted to attend the school, but his mom also wanted to tour the campus. We were led by MaKayla, a junior SLP major. She did a splendid job leading us all over campus for two hours.

Lovely facilities, lots of diversity on campus, great price, it was fun being on a campus again.

MaKayla was also great so Monkey could see there are college students her height.

After lunch at the Student Union we met with Mona in the Academic Advisor Office. Mona works specifically with dual enrollment students so she had a tremendous amount of information for us.

Much for Monkey to ponder in the weeks and months ahead, but how fascinating it is to learn about the options available.

Plus, what a splendid day to be out together.