Master Bathroom Days 5,6,7

Master Bathroom Days 5,6,7

Weston worked while we were out of town, so it was fun to see the progress when we got home.

New insulation and drywall on the outside wall.

Light switches grouped by the door. No more random switches.

New shower going in.

Gross ceiling gone. New can light on a dimmer. So much more light for Buddie!

New exhaust fan that will actually vent outside, clear the humidity from the room, and has a heater. Thanks, Monkey, for that idea.

Weston got in a few more days before Thanksgiving.

We keep Weston supplied with coffee.

Waterproofing continues. So excited for this new shower.

Weston managed to salvage the marble door stop. We may not reuse it, but it is beautiful.

Old cast iron pipes in the walls. We took out those pipes where they were accessible shortly after we moved in, but, they still hold up the walls.

Moving forward.

Nice to have eight foot ceilings for single sheets of drywall.

We ordered the farmhouse slider doors for the bathroom and closet, and they came as a kit. It was a gorgeous fall day, and we had great helpers to put them together.

It’s going to look great and give us so much more space.

Weston will be back on Saturday, and tiling the shower will be up next. That’s going to be fantastic.

Having one toilet for six people (Mom’s in town for Thanksgiving.) is working fine. The consideration factor of asking everyone if they need the bathroom before you shower is a good lesson.