Red Square

Red Square

Buds has his annual work off-site next week. There’s a prize for the best train picture. The prize is getting to sleep in an actual Pullman car at the Chattanooga Choo Choo. (How I love writing those words. Truth is better than fiction.)

In true Buds fashion, for his submission he had to come up with a hook, and if he wins the prize he’s giving it away to a co-worker who is trying to win it so she can give it to another co-worker. (I love the culture where he works.)

We have a Red Caboose Park in our town, so he took advantage of that.

A little paint, a short drive, and with Yessa’s help, we’ve got several winners in the laughter game, even if he doesn’t win the contest.

Side note for Todd and Gina. I complimented Buds on his vision and plan for this and he said, “Yeah, I feel like Todd.”

Best compliment ever to himself.

And now the big reveal. Photo credit to Yessa unless she’s in the picture.

These are cracking me up so much.

Yessa calls this one, “Where’s Waldo?”

It’s like I’m in the movie “Ghost.”