Salzburg Beginnings

Once we finally arrived in our Salzburg apartment after our very long walk to get there, we began our typical routine.
Buds and I headed out to the grocery store which was a short walk away.
It had been a long, emotional day, plus Buster’s injury, so folks rested.
We learned the rules of the apartment:
And enjoyed the beautiful evening:
Yessa enjoyed taking the above photos.
This kid. Love her:
The next morning, Buds and I were up and out to explore Salzburg.
Kel had given us a list of beloved places to discover, and we planned to make an afternoon of that. Injury intervened, so we were glad we had this time.
The love locks bridge:
A fountain we later recognized in “The Sound Of Music.”
The Alps, the gorgeous, gorgeous Alps:
Interestingly, one of the best coffees on the whole trip was at the McDonald’s in Salzburg.
Here I am telling Buddie the story of using the restroom at McDonald’s. It’s not for the faint of heart.
We thought Jeremy would want to know the horse fountain seemed to have a boat dock. 😆
The gorgeous flowers and the crazy elevator up the mountain. (We assume an elevator. Could be a ladder?)
The water coming down from the Alps, into a fountain you could fill bottles at, but then into this whirlpool.
We just loved this little one riding the suitcase.
After we tromped all over and learned a little about the busses, we headed home to toss out ideas for the afternoon.
After a family meeting, everyone but the Buster was in for a trip up into the mountains for a ride down an Alpine slide that is 2.2 kilometers long.
Buster’s toe was achy, and since we didn’t know how much walking we’d have to do, he decided staying home was wisest.
The rest of us took the bus to a train station near our apartment. We found the public transportation more confusing in Salzburg and more expensive in Austria in general. But thanks to Buds, we got ourselves on the right train.
It was a beautiful train ride out into the mountains to the town where the Alpine slide lives.
Once we got off the train in the right town we grabbed a taxi to drive us up the mountain to the slide.
We got tickets for all of us to ride the chair lift up and slide down, but as I waited in line I realized I just couldn’t/didn’t want to do it.
Once I chose not to, Yessa lovingly agreed to keep me company while the rest of our crew headed off and up.
Their round trip up and down took approximately 45 minutes, and their eyes were shining when they got off their coasters.
Buds and Monkey headed up for another ride while Mom, Yessa, and I visited and watched people.
It was a fantastic sunny day to be out in the mountains.