A Rothenberg Afternoon

A Rothenberg Afternoon

Our second day in Dear Old Roty, we split by gender. The gents headed to a museum we called, “The Torture Museum,” while the lassies headed to the German Christmas Museum.

Buds will fill in the torture museum information, but the Christmas Museum was “closed” so instead we wound our way through the ginormous gift shop that sold all things Christmas and any of its distantly related cousins.

It was interesting for a bit, but our small group of four was quickly separated in the warren-like building.

For those who have done the parade float museum with us at the caverns near Massadoah, it had that same surreal, LSD quality to it.

Yessa did find this charming ladybug watch that we looked at, but did not purchase.

After we all regathered in our rooms, we cleaned up and headed to a beautiful Vespers service at the Episcopal Lutheran Church near us.

I loved figuring out how to follow the service in German. The children were so impressed that I could say the Lord’s Prayer along with the rest of the congregation; me in English. I was fascinated by the consistency in tenor of the prayer, regardless of language.

By the end of the Vespers Buds and I were both able to sing the final hymn in German since the words were printed in the order of service.

Then we meandered our way to the Pan y Vino where we had eaten the night before and our waiter friend made a space for six for us outdoors in the beautiful summer air.

We had a relaxed, laughter-filled dinner, then listened for the voice of gelato calling our name. We responded with enthusiasm.

A final late walk on the city walls for Buds and me, and our time in Rothenberg drew to its close.