Germany-Post #2- Virginia and Away

Germany-Post #2- Virginia and Away

Mom flew in on Thursday and on Saturday morning a little after 7:00 a.m., we were in the van and on our way.

Huge thanks to Kel and Paula for swapping their big minivan for our mini-minivan so we could travel in style.

Easy drive to Virginia and we were all together again.

Playing with Della.

Bets is dying for sushi deliciousness.

Church all together on Sunday was great with several Massadoahan sightings.

Lots of rain while we were in Virgina led to raucous outdoor play.

More posts to follow about our trip to the African-African History Museum, and our other adventures, but what a joyful, relaxed time we had the three days we were in town.

And now, here we are, waiting at our gate.

Charles, our Lyft driver, was splendid. Buds was waiting for us at the airport. Security was fast, efficient, and friendly. Dulles has had massive upgrades and improvements.

We’re happy as clams, charging up our devices. I’ve been saving up magazines for a couple months, so I’ll read my way through those to lighten my load by ten pounds.

Bon voyage!