Passion Project

Passion Project

(Post contains video. Watch at website for best experience.)

The awesome school that two of our nieces attend has the students in our elder niece’s grade create and implement a “Passion Project.” Our niece is an animal-adorer, and she’s done many fantastic things to support and learn about animal adoption and welfare of the years, so it was understandable that her Passion Project would center on animal welfare.

The local animal adoption agency that we’ve worked with: Proverbs 12:10, has been the grateful recipient of her work. Once a week for the last several months she’s been fostering a puppy. This gives foster families a break, or if they need a puppy sitter while they go on vacation, or if there’s a week before the new furever family can take the puppy, the puppy still has a loving, warm place to learn how to live with a family.

We’ve been thrilled to have her bring over the various puppies so we can meet them too, and this week we got to puppy sit all morning.

Brawley has the paws of a St. Bernard, and the funny puppy run to go with it. It was such a treat to have a dog in the house. And a puppy, much like a baby, needs lots of play, then sleeps for hours.

Not all of us were thrilled with our visitor.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day; perfect for a walk and bounce.

So exhausted.
Noses taste delicious!

With these silky soft ears to stroke, and some hearty laughter at those paws, our need to adopt a dog of our own was assuaged for a few more months.

Dreaming of squirrels…