We Hunt Down A Christmas Tree

We Hunt Down A Christmas Tree

We’ve developed several traditions over the years that fill me with joy. Among the favorites are those around our Christmas tree selection.

We’ve gone out tromping through fields with a saw to select the perfect tree; and I’ve loved those years, too, but the last three years we’ve ended up at the same spot. The parking lot at the golf course near us turns into a tree lot during December.

We like the family that runs the business, and the last two years we’ve taken chocolates to share with the employees and the other patrons, and the children have taken candy canes to make a surprise candy cane tree for people to find while they hunt for their ideal fir.

Monkey ready with the candy canes.
Monkey ready with the candy canes.

Unfortunately this year the “cheat sheet” for the chocolates was only on the bottom of the box.

What kind do you want?
What kind do you want?

That was interesting.

I didn’t have any of the chocolates, and on the drive home the rest of the family informed me that the chocolates were terrible. Hopefully the Christmas Tree family still remembers us fondly next year.

Care for a chocolate? I hear they are DELICIOUS!
Care for a chocolate? I hear they are DELICIOUS!
Tree on top, ready to roll.
Tree on top, ready to roll.

We head home, turn on the Christmas tunes, have some hot chocolate, and putter through putting on the lights, hanging the stockings, and reminiscing about the ornaments. The vast majority of our ornaments have a story and came from a loved one, so hanging them up is an event and a celebration.

Whirring up the hot chocolate.
Whirring up the hot chocolate.





Waffles enjoys licking the tree.
Waffles enjoys licking the tree.







Still my very favorite Christmas decoration that sister-in-law Kathy gave me decades ago.
Still my very favorite Christmas decoration that sister-in-law Kathy gave me decades ago.

Stockings hung by the chimney with care…we’re ready for Santa.