A Local Massadoahesque Swimming Hole

A Local Massadoahesque Swimming Hole

Aunt A told us about a new park she found that her crew had enjoyed, so despite the heat I forced everyone into the car for some recreation.

With easy access to the Harpeth River, and a short drive, this would be a great spot for our splash-needs.

Monkey found a comfy spot in the shade since she didn't want to swim.
Monkey found a comfy spot in the shade since she didn’t want to swim.
The water in the shallows was very warm.
The water in the shallows was very warm.



Buster hung out on the side to stay close to Monkey, but Yessa and I held hands and walked up river until the water was armpit level for her. The water was crisply cool.

I was so impressed with Yessa’s willingness to step forward into the unknown. The water was brown enough that the bottom could not be seen, and I walked tentatively, tapping with a toe before taking each step. She bobbed right along, ready to hop and swim if needed. It was fun, and the water felt great.

A return trip will definitely be in order…with a picnic.