Italy Trip - Day 47 - 49 Terre Di Himera Agriturismo

Italy Trip - Day 47 - 49  Terre Di Himera Agriturismo

This was one of Buddie’s magical finds; a bed and breakfast on a farm. Run by Maria and Febricio (I always had to think “febreze,” then I could remember his name.), this was a magical place.

We were here over Yessa’s birthday, and that morning, we scooped up two of the farm kittens and dropped them into bed with her as a birthday surprise.




We stayed in one room here, with no kitchen, so we loved the amazing breakfasts that Maria brought out, and we also had dinner here both of the nights. We were tucked high up on a hill, and driving down to find food at night wasn’t an appealing option.



Ready for breakfast.
Ready for breakfast.
This tiny little cup in those strong hands.
This tiny little cup in those strong hands.

All three kids had dinner with us one night. Here’s a google album that shows that gorgeous meal.

On the other evening, we delighted in having Monkey along to enjoy the meal. She’d had the day alone at home to work, and the younger two were exhausted after a full day of play at the beach, hiking around the hilly town, touring the cathedral, then a late lunch.

He was zonked.
He was zonked.

Monkey ate with us for awhile, then she headed back to the room, we thought. After we finished eating, we came out to find this:

They trapped her!
They trapped her!

On this day, while Monkey had her needed alone time, the rest of us headed into

Cefalu (Pronounced "Chief-a-loo.)
Cefalu (Pronounced “Chief-a-loo.)

It was a gorgeous day.

We made time to wander around the city, play on the beach, have gelato, purchase gifts for loved ones at home, and tour the Duomo.

He needed help getting the sand out of his pants.
He needed help getting the sand out of his pants.









This one.
This one.

In one of the alleys we wandered down, this tiny car came toodling past us and executed a three-point turn toward a wooden garage door. A woman exited the passenger side, the garage door rolled up, and she pulled out a tiny little wooden ramp that exactly fit against the cement side of the building to bridge the 6-inch step that the angled street gave their garage.

It was an elegant, simple, fascinating process to watch.

The car was made for this garage.


And at the Duomo, we had to wait for it to reopen at 1 p.m. As we sat and watched, an Italian gentleman came strolling up the path, unlocked the giant doors, and let us all in.

That’s his JOB! To care for the Duomo. I love Italy.

The "unlocker" comes back after his lunch.
The “unlocker” comes back after his lunch.

This peaceful haven was a glorious way to end our time in Sicily. Buds and I walked the jasmine-lined paths around the building, talking about plans and dreams, and our magical trip. We got to taste freshly pressed olive oil. We saw the beautifully restored building and slept well in old beds, surrounded by the soft breathing of those we love best.

We had time to visit, time to breathe, and time to laugh.


So incredibly grateful.




And then the last morning arrived. We snuggled kittens a few last times, and headed down to return the rental car and board our train, bound for Rome…and our final stop before the long journey home.

We suspected there would be no cafe car again (and there wasn’t), so we were well stocked with fresh fruit, pastries, plenty of water, and NO saltines.

We had our own little room, like the Hogwarts Express.
We had our own little room, like the Hogwarts Express.
A beautiful ride.
A beautiful ride.

(I’m laughing a little at the picture above because I’m the only one looking out at the glorious view. It’s good to remember the train ride was 11 hours long. There was plenty of time for videos and staring out the window.)

On the road to Rome!