Italy Trip – Days 26 - 34 – Our Lucca Farmhouse

Italy Trip – Days 26 - 34 – Our Lucca Farmhouse

With Grandma and Grandpa in tow, we made the move from our lovely Lucca apartment out to a farmhouse about 30 minutes outside of town.

On the way there we stopped at a large supermarket, which had this interesting cart corral:

Yup, boobaloo.
Yup, boobaloo.
They still fit in here. Love it!
They still fit in here. Love it!

Nonni and Poppi had the apartment next to ours, connected by a door, which worked out great. Their last night with us we all cuddled together in the one apartment, and that worked out fine, too.

The patio leading down to our door, the very last one.
The patio leading down to our door, the very last one.
The shutters in the living room- open.
The shutters in the living room- open.
The shutters- closed.
The shutters- closed.
The children's bedroom, initially.
The children’s bedroom, initially.
The room Buds and Gin shared.
The room Buds and Gin shared.
The large wardrobe in our bedroom.
The large wardrobe in our bedroom.
The view from the hallway into the front part of the bathroom. Note the towel I put on the floor because it's a copper floor there and it was FREEZING at night!
The view from the hallway into the front part of the bathroom. Note the towel I put on the floor because it’s a copper floor there and it was FREEZING at night!
The other half of the bathroom.
The other half of the bathroom.
The custom-built stairs down- note the plexiglass covering.
The custom-built stairs down- note the plexiglass covering.
The view from the kitchen into the living room. The futon became Monkey's bedroom as well.
The view from the kitchen into the living room. The futon became Monkey’s bedroom as well.
The stairs looking up.
The stairs looking up.
Looking into the kitchen from the living room: The washing machine straight ahead with the dishwasher to the left of it.
Looking into the kitchen from the living room: The washing machine straight ahead with the dishwasher to the left of it.
Looking in from the main door.
Looking in from the main door.
The gas stove and pizza oven.
The gas stove and pizza oven.
Long view of the patio.
Long view of the patio.
The end patio on the opposite end of the house from our front door. Just to the left of the photo are the stairs to the lower yard. The stairs are lined by rosemary bushes which smelled heavenly as you brushed your hand along them.
The end patio on the opposite end of the house from our front door. Just to the left of the photo are the stairs to the lower yard. The stairs are lined by rosemary bushes which smelled heavenly as you brushed your hand along them.
Note the pizza oven on the patio behind the children.
Note the pizza oven on the patio behind the children.
A snuggly nap.
A snuggly nap.
The futon as a couch.
The futon as a couch.
Another couch in the living room- nearly enough room for two.
Another couch in the living room- nearly enough room for two.
If the two aren't too big! The left side of the picture shows the entrance to the apartment Nonni and Poppi stayed in.
If the two aren’t too big! The left side of the picture shows the entrance to the apartment Nonni and Poppi stayed in.
One of our first meals all together in the farmhouse.
One of our first meals all together in the farmhouse.

Interesting tidbit we learned while we were in the farmhouse: The heat in Italy isn’t supposed to be turned on before October 15. Our landlady did eventually turn it on for us early, but there were some cold nights and stepping out of the warm shower into a freezing room was teeth-chattery.

The one other exciting part during the time in the farmhouse was the twisty-turny roads to get to it. Buds got us there the first time with no mishaps, but it was some tight driving in parts. (Turns out it was easy driving compared to some that was still in our future.) But then, because he likes to help me grow and learn, he found another path to get us from off the mountain to the farmhouse, driving through olive groves on really tight roads. We clenched our cheeks and did it, and it was gorgeous.

The video doesn’t do it justice, but it was a fantastic adventure:

More stories of our time in the farmhouse to come.