Italy Trip – Days 15-21 – Florence- Part 3 - A Playground? Don't Mind If I Do!

Italy Trip – Days 15-21 – Florence- Part 3 - A Playground? Don't Mind If I Do!

In the park across from the supermarket we frequented in Florence, there was a delightful, unusual, demanding playground.

I was fascinated to watch Buster and Yessa explore, challenge, and conquer these obstacles. I think the playgrounds in the States expect too little of children, or we’re too afraid of children being hurt.

I stood back, watched, and stayed quiet. As their comfort with the equipment and belief in their own abilities grew, these two amazed themselves and me.

He makes it look easy in the video, but figuring out how to climb to the top of the tippy slide, reach across from the climbing rope wall to the top, and sliding down, this took them awhile to figure out and get comfortable doing.




It was a beautiful day, lots of Italian folks were out visiting and smoking and chatting. I believe I observed one gentleman who was running a sports betting business from one of the park benches, and then we got groceries.

Awesome day!