Italy Trip – Days 15-21 – Florence- Part 1- The Apartment

Italy Trip – Days 15-21 – Florence- Part 1- The Apartment

Glorious Florence.

Home to David, the Uffizi, the Ponte Vecchio, so many things we were excited to share with the children.

Arriving at the train station in Florence is a bit of an overwhelming rush. The Buster’s first comment was, “I don’t like it here.”


“Too many people and too much noise.”

I understood what he meant. Venice was filled with people, but the lack of traffic sounds and horns beeping made it seem much more peaceful, despite the wall of humanity you could run into.

We wandered around in the train station for a bit, which did gives us a chance to see the impressive bicycle garage:

The stacked bike parking in the basement at the Florence Train Station.
The stacked bike parking in the basement at the Florence Train Station.

We stopped in the McDonald’s at the train station to pay to use the bathroom, have a small snack to sustain us for our walk, then shouldered our backpack burdens and headed out, following behind the faithful naviguesser Buds.

This was generally my view on this entire trip:

I'm the caboose.
I’m the caboose.

We walked from the train station to our new home, about a 20 minute walk. We would be living on the far side of the river.

We had loved and appreciated all our previous Italy homes, would this one let us down?! How many stairs would there be? Was the location good? Would we have enough beds for everyone?

Not surprisingly, we loved it as soon as we walked in the door. High ceilings, tiny, narrow doors, a funny little loft for a child to sleep in, tall, skinny windows…this was a place for us to settle in for 6 nights and truly make it home. And only 40 stairs to climb! Our Florence Home:

Our front door. The construction site in front of the house was a great landmark.
Our front door. The construction site in front of the house was a great landmark.
The door to our apartment. Only 40 steps up.
The door to our apartment. Only 40 steps up.
Open the door, here's what you see.
Open the door, here’s what you see.
The first things you see when you walk in.
The first things you see when you walk in.
The sideboard in the living room, with wine and olive oil for sale.
The sideboard in the living room, with wine and olive oil for sale.
The other half of the room.
The other half of the room.
The wall of kitchen.
The wall of kitchen.
The hidden fridge.
The hidden fridge.
The old, small door leading to the back part of the apartment.
The old, small door leading to the back part of the apartment.
The hallway behind the door. Girls' room on the right, washing machine, then bathroom on the left. Bedroom with loft on the end.
The hallway behind the door. Girls’ room on the right, washing machine, then bathroom on the left. Bedroom with loft on the end.
Skinny little door leading to girls' room.
Skinny little door leading to girls’ room.
Girls' room and Buddie work space.
Girls’ room and Buddie work space.
Love that washing machine.
Love that washing machine.
Matrimonial bed (The name for a large bed in Italy.), with Buster's loft above.
Matrimonial bed (The name for a large bed in Italy.), with Buster’s loft above.
The wall of wardrobes in our bedroom.
The wall of wardrobes in our bedroom.
The tiny little 1/2 bath off the master bedroom.
The tiny little 1/2 bath off the master bedroom.
Buster's loft
Buster’s loft
Sample of a street near our Florence home.
Sample of a street near our Florence home.
The recycling and garbage "drops" scattered around neighborhoods.
The recycling and garbage “drops” scattered around neighborhoods.
Taking it all in.
Taking it all in.

This apartment was a hit for many reasons, but I especially loved that there was a fruit/veggie shop three doors down from our street door. I walked down there at least once a day to get peaches for Monkey. I even bought a bag of okra (accidentally) and sauteed it up. First time cooking okra, and Buds and I both loved it. The couple that owned the shop were so friendly and helpful.

The littles and I headed out to hunt down a grocery store while Buds and Monkey settled in to work. We were tickled to discover a wonderful playground in the park by the grocery store. It had some unusual (to us) pieces and Buster and Yessa spent a couple hours conquering them.

The slide took some figuring out.
The slide took some figuring out.
The park near us.
The park near us.

Many adventures to come in Florence, in upcoming posts.