Keeping It Exciting Here At Home

Preparing to be away from your home for any length of time takes some planning. I’m grateful to have friends and family who will be checking in, ready to let us know if there are any problems while we are away. (There will be problems. Hopefully less exciting than a tree crushing a car or the freezer going bad on the fridge, as happened on previous journeys, but there will be something. That’s just life.)

We’ve been eating ourselves through all the built up food, but apparently there was some other build up I should have been taking care of.

We were making dinner last night, when Monkey looked at the toaster oven, where the fish sticks were baking and said, “Um, Mom, fire!”

Yup, toaster oven had a robust fire going in the debris on the bottom.

The audio is as fascinating as the toasty little fire. It really does look very pretty.

You’ll hear the children discuss my need to clean out the toaster oven more, as well as all our various ideas for putting out the fire. And there is one mild curse word. I didn’t realize video was recording the whole adventure.

Sad to say, not the first oven fire we’ve had, probably won’t be the last.

And unplugging the toaster oven is on the list of things to do before we leave.