Hello, Fresh!

Hello, Fresh!

We’ve been trying an experiment this week. I bought a Groupon for a company called, Hello Fresh. It’s a subscription service that sends you the supplies needed for 3 dinners for 4 adults, shipped once a week. The deal was for 50% off, or I would never have thought to try something like this.

The box arrived on Wednesday, and Yessa and I cooked up our first meal that evening.

It all comes in a large cardboard box. The box is lined with a plastic bag that has insulation inside it, then the individual meals are labeled and boxed, and the meat is shipped at the bottom of the box, under a cardboard shelf. We got two boxes for each meal because each box has sufficient food for 2 adults. All of this is kept cold by 6 gel packs.

The boxes nicely fill the fridge.
The boxes nicely fill the fridge.
The gel packs
The gel packs

The 6 gel packs we got will be a handsome addition to our “Buddie must ensure everything stays cold in the cooler” arsenal, but if we keep this subscription service, what to do with 40 of them? I emailed Hello Fresh to ask, and their representative responded that she empties out the packs and then puts the plastic bags with her plastic bags. The gel is non-toxic, but I don’t know what it is. Could it be used around plants to capture moisture? Can the plastic bags be recycled with other plastic bags at the grocery store? I need to investigate these issues more.

We did have a splendiferous time making the meal.



The two pictures above show all the items that came for this meal of “Reuben Steak.” I’ve included both because my partner ran to get a towel to use as a backdrop to improve the picture quality. I think the blog may have a quality refresh in the near future if she provides artistic oversight.

Take the two steaks.
Take the two steaks.
Season them.
Season them.

Cut up all the veggies:










And sear:



Drop the bottle of catsup on the floor (This is optional in the recipe.):


Prepare the dill for garnish:


Finish cooking:



Swizzle up the pan sauce:


Plate and enjoy:


The next night Buds directed the creation of Shrimp and Chorizo Paella. Also delicious!

It makes more than 4 meals.
It makes more than 4 meals.
Beautifully plated.
Beautifully plated.

I do not know if we will continue after our two weeks are up, but it is fun to see what it would be like to have someone else making the “what are we having for dinner” decisions.